Scientific Board Members
Members | ||
Name | Organization | Country |
Paul Bryce | EDF Energy | UK |
Oscar Cabellos | UPM | Spain |
Nathalie Chauvin | CEA | France |
Leon Cizelj | Jozef Stefan Institute | Slovenia |
Mariusz Dabrowski | Nat. Centre for Nucl. Research (NCBJ) | Poland |
Christophe Demazière | Chalmers University | Sweden |
Sandra Dulla | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |
Matthew Eaton | Imperial College | UK |
Michel Giot | Louvain School of Engineering | Belgium |
Jan Leen Kloostermann | Delft University | The Netherlands |
Fausto Malvagi | ASNR | France |
Elsa Merle | CNRS | France |
Andreas Pautz | PSI & EPFL | Switzerland |
Andreas Schaffrath | GRS | Germany |
Christophe Schneidesch | Tractebel Eng. | Belgium |
Walter Tromm | KIT | Germany |
Gert Van den Eynde | SCK-CEN | Belgium |
Thierry Wiss | EC/JRC | Germany |
Members at large | ||
Name | Organization | Country |
Dominique Bestion | CEA, retired | France |
Gianni Bruna | IRSN, retired | France |
Waclaw Gudowski | RIT, retired | Sweden |
Jim Gulliford | OECD/NEA, retired | International |
Kevin Hesketh | NNL, retired | UK |
Piero Ravetto | Polito, retired | Italy |
Nicolas Waeckel | EdF, retired | France |