The 2024 Frédéric Joliot / Otto Hahn Summer School on Nuclear Reactors "Physics, Fuels and Systems"








     Frédéric Joliot and Otto Hahn

                 1935 and 1944

        Nobel Prizes in Chemistry


                                                                                        Jointly organized by
  The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT/INR), Germany


The Energy Division of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA/DES), France


General description

FJOH summer school is an advanced post-graduate-level course aimed at junior as well as experienced scientists and engineers engaged in the broad field of nuclear sciences, engineering and technologies.

Lecturers are invited from internationally leading universities and industry. The School format encourages informal discussions and the exchange of knowledge between lecturers and participants.

The Frédéric Joliot / Otto Hahn Summer School course represents the continuation of the Frédéric Joliot Summer Schools on “Modern Reactor Physics and the Modelling of Complex Systems”, which was created by CEA in 1995 to promote knowledge in the field of reactor physics, in a broad sense, and the international exchange of teachers, scientists, engineers and researchers. Beginning in 2004, the scope of the School was extended to include scientific issues related to nuclear fuels. The venues of the FJOH School sessions alternate between Karlsruhe and Aix-en-Provence.

The program of each School session is defined by the International FJOH Scientific Board.

FJOH is jointly organized by the CEA Energy Division (France) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany).

Objective of FJOHSS-2024 edition

The main objective of the FJOH‐2024 edition is to provide the school participants with a working knowledge of innovative approaches that can help streamline the design, deployment or operation of new reactors. The lectures will lay emphasis on how classical as well as advanced modelling methods that can be combined, together with expert knowhow, in order to achieve one of these goals while avoiding over‐engineering or premature optimisation. Illustrations will be given for various innovative systems.

By the end of the course, the participants should be able to explain how discipline engineers and system engineers make trade‐off decisions to balance multiple objectives. FJOH‐2024 includes plenary lectures, seminars, and technical visits.

The FJOH‐2024 participants will have the opportunity to practice their freshly‐acquired knowledge as part of group activities. Time for these group activities is set aside in the School schedule.

Programme Outline


 Content   File   Format   Size 
 First Announcement  Announcement  pdf 482 kB
 Leaflet  FJOH-2024_Leaflet  pdf  350 kB
 Poster  FJOH-2024_Poster  pdf  690 kB
Presentation template FJOH-2024_Template pptx  69 kB
Extended summary template FJOH-2024_Ext_sum_temp docx  35 kB